
[hey little hurricane]

(shhh, don't tell isaac he's still just a tropical storm)

hey little hurricane
you're vaulting, somersaulting,
and messing about
in your secret hideout.

nobody knows how big you'll be
nobody's radar can just quite see
how fierce and how fun
you'll be when you come
or what damage you'll do
when you grow to be two

hey little hurricane
for now you're still forming,
so kicking and storming
on your own is just fine.
but soon you'll be mine
to spin with and sing and
explore everything -
hurry up and make landfall already!



of water & blossoms

While J. studies, I paint!

playing in picasa

pixel effect, picasa

pencil sketch effect, picasa

 Using watercolors, paper, and some brushes from wal-mart, I copied the above picture, "Cherry Blossoms," from pineapplebaystudio for my own enjoyment. No copyright infringement intended.