
A Cord of 3

my sister, younger:
how can i describe you? you are like:
a five year old's first rainbow-sprinkle ice cream - a matchless marvel;
a morning glory stumbled over while fetching the early morning news;
a May afternoon that tastes of June and sounds like the splash of bare feet in Six Mile Creek.
a penny, heads-up;
a rainy day pancake;
a new pair of white shoes;
a porch swing in summer;
applecake with raisins
and a whole album of Grandma's wedding pictures.

my mother, wiser:
with your hands you weild both sword
& spatula;
you know what feeds the soul
& artfully prepare what delights the tongue.
your love is flavorful & spontaneous,
like goat cheese and mango chutney;
you are delicate and perfect,
like the halo of rice crackers encircling the plate.
may your day be filled with Glory,
fresh baked Bread of Life;
and also with glory,
fresh pineapple &
the smile of a friend.

my true-love, hiding:
the water of life flows through you,
out your eyes (color of the spring-new earth);
from your hands, free and open
like the fragrance of hyacinth--vital effusion.
rising & outflowing from between the petals of your lips;
your voice has the power of awakening
all the tender, increscent joys
that thirst within me.
Be strong as the sun rises,
and stronger yet when it sets.

1 comment:

T.S. Raveling said...

That is absolutely beautiful.
