"... you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake... And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved."

Ivory Coast: Ethnic-Muslim militias have been running house-to-house 'cleansing' operations in ethnic-Christian regions. The situation is dire: 27,000 refugees are hiding in a church building in Duekoue, the town where Muslims massacred around 800 civilians on March 28-29.
Syria: Christian communities who do not support political changes favorable to Islam are under fire. Eye witnesses report seeing around 20 masked men on motorcycles open fire on a home in a Christian village outside Dara’a, in southern Syria.
Israel: In the north, Muslims from Syria and Lebanon are pouring across the border and terrorizing the streets of little towns, violently protesting Israel’s existence.
Sudan: Muslims from the north, backed by the Khartoum government, have been harassingsouth-bound Sudanese, many of them Christians. Over 300,000 people have moved from the north to the south since October. President Omar al-Bashir has repeatedly stated his intention to reinforce sharia law when the south officially secedes in July.
Nigeria: Over 300 Christians were slaughtered in Kaduna after Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, was elected on April 16, defeating Muslim and ex-military leader Muhammadu Buhari. In a murder-bent rampage, Muslim-led rioters looted Christian homes and businesses and burned roughly 288 church buildings; approximately 14,000 Christians and Christian-sympathizers have been displaced.
Turkey: Christians face discrimination, slander and attacks on their churches. Missionary activity is considered a national threat. In March, Istanbul police arrested two Muslims, ages 17 and 18, accused of plotting to assassinate a Christian pastor.
Pakistan: On April 30, hundreds of Muslims in Gujranwala attacked Christian homes, a school, and a Presbyterian church. They were irate that authorities had released two Christians accused of blasphemy.
Egypt: On May 7, at least 12 Christians were killed in Cairo when Muslims attacked two churches, set fire to Christian-owned homes, and looted Christian businesses. Over 200 were seriously injured.
Bangladesh: Six Christians operating a medical clinic for poor Damurhuda villagers were arrested on March 24 for “hurting religious feelings” after local Muslims objected to distribution of Christian literature at the clinic. The six were released on bail, but they are now identified targets for jihad.
Ethiopia:In March of this year, at least one Christian was murdered and dozens of others injured when over 3,000 Muslims set fire to 59 churches and at least 28 homes in western Ethiopia. More than 4,000 Christians have been forced to flee their homes.(Source: Smyrna Ministries International)
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