

you've had these nights too,
burrowed down into unkindly wrinkled sheets
trying to forget that tomorrow
you will be a soldier again
in an invisible war.

i'm in the middle of one of those now
in combat with a fear
of the unknown future.
i don't want a soft song,
i don't need a loving word
i don't need a story and a glass
of warm milk:
i need a coming victory & an assurance of valor in combat.

I know I’m not alone. you've had these nights too,
hungering for violence & the rage of battle—
wishing there was just enough light to glimpse the whites of their eyes;
nights where you crave an external reality
as sincere & bloody as the one contained within you.

i’ve tried ignoring the bugles and counting sheep.
i’ve turned off the lights & torn down the red banners.
i’ve unbuckled my sword & propped my shield against the bed
but the battle goes on
& the pain goes on
& the fear of the unknown goes on and on and on

and right at the breaking point,
when all hope seems lost & I’m filled with deserter-longings;
at that deceptive crossroads
where Christianity intersects with insomnia
My commander speaks quietly
and reminds: it’s the invisible things that make soldiering worthwhile:
love & hope & the resurrection of the dead.

I hope you’ve had these nights too


climber21 said...

". . . who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight."

Hebrews 11:33-34

JCS said...

or...."who, by faith sat in cubicles, drove through city traffic, paid their taxes, performed acts of patience, mopped bathroom floors, fought the clamor of the tv, opened the doors of their homes, planted themselves in the WORD, and blatantly confronted lies with truth...."

i wish there could at least be lions in my version :P

climber21 said...

Maybe someday there will be lions. Until then, be satisfied knowing that God has trusted you to be faithful in the mundane, and that is no small compliment.

climber21 said...

Then again, with you life never can be mundane.


JCS said...

i feel like compliments from God are dangerous things...