
His wound was slight,
the army, victorious.
Fell enemies were driven
far back beyond the border
Alexio was not at ease.
there were murmurs
and his head ached -
the last lingerings
of some kindly


It would kind of stink to be the hero with the girlfriend/princess of awesome, cause you'd never get to brag around the fire with the boys. "Yeah, and then a magical forest sprang up behind us 'cuz she threw down a hair-comb...."

kind of lacks the usual mythic hero quota of machoness, dontcha think?

1 comment:

T.S. Raveling said...

Only if the macho hero doesn't have an even bigger supply of awesome.

"Yeah, and then a magical forest sprang up behind us 'cuz she threw down a hair-comb ... leaving me to deal with the one thousand strong army of fell foes still in front of us, using only an icicle as a weapon, since my Great Sword of Super Power had melted when I slayed the dragon with it!"